Friday, February 15, 2008


I think if I had the right to vote my vote would be for Obama. United States needs a good change. He could be the first African American President of the United States.

Obama wants to give rights and opportunities to the minority Black and Hispanics.

I feel Republicans and Hillary have the same thought since the History of United States. For example long time ago in England the governor was the King. When the king was dead the next governor was his son. The same thing is happening here in United States, George Bush father, George Bush son, Clinton husband, Clinton wife, the Kennedys.

We need somebody different and I hope Obama will be the person to take control of the economy, war, immigration and education.

Here is one of Obama's quotes; "It took a lot of blood, sweat and tears to get to where we are today, but we have just begun. Today we begin in earnest the work of making sure that the world we leave our children is just a little bit better than the one we inhabit today".


Anonymous said...

Alejandro -- I share your enthusiasm for Obama (and I like your choice of picture and the quote you chose also). I am a big fan of John Edwards for the same reasons, but now that he has dropped out of the race, Obama is looking good to me. He may be young and not as experienced as others, but he would have lots of expert advisors around him to help with the technical details. I like the idea of a President who has vision and optimism and a desire to do good in the world.
- Sarah S in Cleveland OH

Anonymous said...

Alejandro - I commend you on your writing. You have obviously given your decision a lot of thought and feel deeply about what is the right thing to do. Nice job and keep up the good work!

jana said...

I love your picture of Obama, Alejandro. He is a very exciting person.

Anonymous said...

Hi Alejandro. Great photo and I liked your words. Obama is a man for all the people. He gives everyone hope and there is something good about people telling us what we can do and not what we can't!

Anonymous said...

Alejandro -
I am supporting Hillary Clinton in the election but I am impressed by how carefully you have thought this out. I hope it will not be long til you can vote too. America needs people who think before they vote.

Anonymous said...

I think that you chocse correctly,
but my vote is going to be for Hillary Clinton because she is the first lady candidate for president.

Anonymous said...

I really respect every ones decisions, but I will vote for Hilary because she is the first woman that is runing for president. She may be the change that we are waiting.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Alex. Is true what you say about the king's goverment, but these people have no shoice to select the nex governor. But in some coutries still having the same ruler. The difference is that we can shoose the one that but we like, Republicans or democratics.

Anonymous said...

I love your insights on the state of things in our country. It is interesting that you've compared our administration to patriarchal english monarchy. It does feel that we've come a long way from the ideals on which our country was founded. I think Obama will be a great President. Sarah

Anonymous said...

Alejandro, i don't like Obama, I will vote for Hillary Clinton, but it's your decision, and I like the picture.

Anonymous said...

Hola Alex. When you post this, I used to desagree, but now I agree with you. After I listened to the debate between Obama and Hillary. She proposed things that look difficult to do in a short time. Besides the "machismo" still exists in this Country and won't let Hillary win. Definely Obama is the best for me too.

Anonymous said...

I agree, We need the change.