Friday, February 29, 2008

My Best Books of My Chilhood

When I was ten years old I loved to read. My father bought us the book of Tom Sawyer, and I read it three or four times. In my home we had a bookshelf. My father kept a lot of books, but they didn't have pictures, just letters.

When the time passed I liked to read more and I chose other books like: Little Women, Edad Prohibida, La Conquista del Exito, Hombres Triunfadores, Beauty and Beast, and another more in Spanish. My sister called me a, " library mouse," because I was reading the books in a few days. Now I want to read, but I don't have enough time, but I enjoy when I'm reading because I love it so much.


Anonymous said...

Hi, julieta. you know what? When I was a child I love to read too, but I read books about the history of mexico. These books was my favorite to read.

Anonymous said...

a "library mouse"..... I loved that!

Anonymous said...

Julieta, read is the first thing we have to do if we want to get our GED. I was in Sue's class for about five months, and I wasn't very good in reading, but now I give thanks to Sue because she encouraged me to read, and now I like to read a lot.
Don't worry to be a "library mouse".

Anonymous said...

ojala todos tuvieramos un buen principio como lectores, asi como tu el contar con libros en tu casa te ayudo a despertar la curiosidad por la lectura y te hiciste formaste el habito de la lectura, pero "ojo" la oportunidad de leer nuevos libros no se presenta sola, tu debes darte el tiempo y la ocacion de leer, no abandones el buen habito, soy Soco.

Anonymous said...

That's a very good thing to do.We can learn a lot reading. My worst problem is reading, I don't like it,but we have to.