Friday, March 21, 2008

Excellent Times

Now, I will write some about my last weekend. It was a magnificent time with my family and friends. First on Friday I didn't have school, but the class of Head Start worked this day then my son needed to go alone to school. He was so expecting by this day and when Friday arrived, he looked nervous and frightened because never went some place alone.

He cried some tears at the moment of separation, but all was good after this time.I am so happy because now my son think and said me, "Mom, I am a big boy and went to school alone, yuhooo". Next, on Saturday I would have a party (baby-shower). This day I woke up early and went to the store and bought a little present for Liboria. She is pregnant and some ladies made a party in honour of the closely newborn. The party was so funny and all the ladies enjoyed the games, food, many conversation and so much good wishes for the new baby and family. Finally, on Sunday I enjoyed with my husband and children all day together.


I'm so deep in this book NEW DAWN ON ROCKY RIDGE. It is the sixth book in on ROSE YEARS. This story brings me back to when I was a little girl who lived on a farm with my parents and my sisters. When I read one of the chapters, it touched my heart, I was sobbing. I couldn't stop my ache tears that flowed down my cheeks.

So long ago we had hardship on our farm with mother nature. Many years of drought like your skin falling off your body. Nothing but dust to dust. Fierce wind struck the barley fields. Sometime rain fell down on the earth, swollen like an ALLIGATOR that swallowed a human with no chance to survive. The Harvest was destroyed.

But I also have so many wonderful memories of my chilhood. When I grew up........ now my parents both passed away a long time ago. I still have a heart ache to thinking about them, especially my dad. My dad and I had a special bond. When I am thinking of him , I'm a child again. The beautiful blue sky has puffy white cotton sailing away a like yacht . His big brown eyes looked down on me, "Child , everything is alright!!'' His eyes twinkled. All my fears ran away.

The illusion of my son.

In December I went to the post office to process the passport for my sons. This is so exciting because my older son Jonathan yearns to go Mexico. He asked many questions to the lady who attended us. For example..."Who will carry this papers to give me my passport back? How long time it is needed? Where it will arrive? " The lady answered all very pleasantly.

Days later when I came to pick up Jonathan at school his teacher asked me, "Are you moving to Mexico? " I was surprised about it, but I supposed why she asked this and I explained what was happening.

When we were at home I tried to explain to Jonathan when he will able to go to Mexico, it is hard for me because I didn't want to damage his illusion. Fortunate when I gave to him an explanation of the reason why we are here in the United States and what we need to go to Mexico, he understood our situation.

In the future we are going to Mexico and my sons will be able to know the beauty of my region.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Funny Moment

I remember when my brother and I were kids, always we were together for everywhere.He never went to school without me and all the time he waited for me to leave together. I did the same thing.

When we lived on a small ranch in Escuinapa, Sinaloa, our father took to us to fish in a saltwater lake. This water was part of the sea. My brother and I only caught crabs and some fish at the meantime that my father entered into the lake to catch shrimps.

Once when we finished and we were ready to leave, my brother let go all what we had caught in the day. Although my father was very angry we couldn't stop laughing. When I remember this time, I am still laughing. I miss a lot of my childhood, maybe because I don't have anybody of my family here with me. But same day. I hope.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Elecctions again!...2008

The race already started. The competition is getting tie. It is very exciting to watch TV and see how they try to get more votes. Yes, I'm taking about the Election 2008. I'm a democrat and my vote is of course for Ms. Hillary Clinton. Not only because she is a women like me. It is also because I believe in her. She is a very clever woman that has studied a lot to be a Senator and she is prepared now to be a President. I also believe in her capacity to solve internal and external problems in our country. I also like the strong personality she has. She is a good Democrat as I am. Many people say that she will continue with the same style of government as her husband. In my opinion she would be the same with Mr. Clinton or without him.

On the other hand, we have another good candidate Mr. Barac Obama. He is a young and very intelligent man. However, he has some little things that I don't like, for example; his ears and his wife. He also may has the capacity to do things for our country, specially for color people. I'm not racist, but it is something that you can see. He won in Georgia and it was something we were expecting to happen.

Even though both candidates are well-known, somebody has to win. I wonder if our country is ready for a female president or a black president?. Lets wait to see what happen because there are also Republicans in the race.

2008 Is a Leap Year

In 1987 my big sister was pregnant, when I heard about it I felt happy for her. She said her baby was born at the ending of February or in the beginning of March. The family was very happy and excited because we will to have a first baby in the family.

One day, I was talking with my sister and I mentioned her baby probably will be born in February 29Th, which is Leap Year, she she laughed. Finally my sister's baby was born on February 29Th, 1988,at 3:00am. All were really happy for them.

I wrote this in that day, on my Nephew's Birthday, but my question now is: How old is he?, He is 20 years old? or He is 5 years old?. He is a good young good son and a good student. I wishing that better things to him. Happy Birthday Josue !

My Husband.

Ever we write about our sons, moms, dads, country, or childhood. I ask to myself what about the husbands? Now I'm going to write about my husband. He is very important and special to me. I have the same feelings about my mom and sons.

I found this poem and I like it, because it describes my feelings about my husband. This poem was written by Nini Estrada. Here is the poem in its original form in Spanish:

Hoy quiero decirte tantas cosas, que brotan de mi corazon. Como el agua cristalina
del manantial. Te amo, te amare siempre hasta que la ultima hoja del calendario de
mi vida se desprenda. Hasta que el ultimo rayo de esperanza ilumine mi alma triste
y solitaria. Hoy quiero tocar tu piel, en este precioso momento en que acaba de llover.
Necesito encontrarte en todas esas cosas, que me hablen de ti. Dejame decirte en tres
palabras la cinseridad que encierra mi corazon, esas tres palabras son "Gracias Mi Amor".

Here is my own traslation into English:

Now I want to tell you a lot of things, that flow of my heart, how water
cristalline of source springs. I love you, I love you forever until the last
page of the calendar of my life falls. Until the last sunlight of hope shines
in my soul sorrowful and lonely. Now I want to touch your skin, in this
precious moment until it begins to rain. I need to find you in all those
things, that speak to me of you. Let me tell you in three words, the sincerity
that closed it my heart. Those three words are "Thanks My Love".

Well, this poem is little, but it is beautifull for me. I think that the husbands are important too in our lives. For them we have our children you know. Now why not talk about them?


Have you ever been in Guadalajara?
I was born in Guadalajara City the second largest city in the Country the population of 3.5 millions.
It's most typically Mexican culture such as the sombrero hat, mariachi music and tequila.Also known as "La Perla de Occidente" (Pearl of the West).
The city is beautiful and spacious.The Cathedral is surrounded by four beautiful plazas, Cathedral finished in 1618. The Cathedral is an emblem of Guadalajara .When you go in to the Cathedral you can feel the silence all quiet kind of scary, with monks walking in the hallways. Also they have enormous beautiful pictures up on the ceiling.
If some day you are going to Guadalajara city I suggest these food: birria de chivo, tortas ahogadas, jericallas and tequila. Places: Teatro Degollado, La Cathedral, La Basilica de Zapopan, Tonala and Tlaquepaque.